"Undoubtedly!" said Gainer, as he swung the Clark Street bridge to let the CY Slocum pass through.

Monday, November 30, 2009

I. Variation under Domestication - Causes of Variability

WHEN we compare the individuals of the same variety or sub-variety of our older cultivated plants and animals, one of the first points which strikes us is, that they generally differ more from each other than do the individuals of any one species or variety in a state of nature. And if we reflect on the vast diversity of the plants and animals which have been cultivated, and which have varied during all ages under the most different climates and treatment, we are driven to conclude that this great variability is due to our domestic productions having been raised under conditions of life not so uniform as, and somewhat different from, those to which the parent species had been exposed under nature. There is, also, some probability in the view propounded by Andrew Knight, that this variability may be partly connected with excess of food. It seems clear that organic beings must be exposed during several generations to new conditions to cause any great amount of variation; and that, when the organisation has once begun to vary, it generally continues varying for many generations. No case is on record of a variable organism ceasing to vary under cultivation. Our oldest cultivated plants, such as wheat, still yield new varieties: our oldest, domesticated animals are still capable of rapid improvement or modification.
As far as I am able to judge, after long attending to the subject, the conditions of life appear to act in two ways,—directly on the whole organisation or on certain parts alone, and indirectly by affecting the reproductive system. With respect to the direct action, we must bear in mind that in every case, as Professor Weismann has lately insisted, and as I have incidentally shown in my work on Variation under Domestication, there are two factors: namely, the nature of the organism, and the nature of the conditions. The former seems to be much the more important; for nearly similar variations sometimes arise under, as far as we can judge, dissimilar conditions; and, on the other hand, dissimilar variations arise under conditions which appear to be nearly uniform. The effects on the offspring are either definite or indefinite. They may be considered as definite when all or nearly all the offspring of individuals exposed to certain conditions during several generations are modified in the same manner. It is extremely difficult to come to any conclusion in regard to the extent of the changes which have been thus definitely induced. There can, however, be little doubt about many slight changes, such as size from the amount of food, colour from the nature of the food, thickness of the skin and hair from climate, &c. Each of the endless variations which we see in the plumage of our fowls must have had some efficient cause; and if the same cause were to act uniformly during a long series of generations on. many individuals, all probably would be modified in the same manner. Such facts as the complex and extraordinary out-growths which variably follow from the insertion of a minute drop of poison by a gall-producing insect, show us what singular modifications might result in the case of plants from a chemical change in the nature of the sap.
Indefinite variability is a much more common result of changed conditions than definite variability, and has probably played a more important part in the formation of our domestic races. We see indefinite variability in the endless slight peculiarities which distinguish the individuals of the same species, and which cannot be accounted for by inheritance from either parent or from some more remote ancestor. Even strongly marked differences occasionally appear in the young of the same litter, and in seedlings from the same seed-capsule. At long intervals of time, out of millions of individuals reared in the same country and fed on nearly the same food, deviations of structure so strongly pronounced as to deserve to be called monstrosities arise; but monstrosities cannot be separated by any distinct line from slighter variations. All such changes of structure, whether extremely slight or strongly marked, which appear amongst many individuals living together, may be considered as the indefinite effects of the conditions of life on each individual organism, in nearly the same manner as the chill affects different men in an indefinite manner, according to their state of body or constitution, causing coughs or colds, rheumatism, or inflammation of various organs.
With respect to what I have called the indirect action of changed conditions, namely, through the reproductive system of being affected, we may infer that variability is thus induced, partly from the fact of this system being extremely sensitive to any change in the conditions, and partly from the similarity, as Kreuter and others have remarked, between the variability which follows from the crossing of distinct species, and that which may be observed with plants and animals when reared under new or unnatural conditions. Many facts clearly show how eminently susceptible the reproductive system is to very slight changes in the surrounding conditions. Nothing is more easy than to tame an animal, and few things more difficult than to get it to breed freely under confinement, even when the male and female unite. How many animals there are which will not breed, though kept in an almost free state in their native country! This is generally, but erroneously, attributed to vitiated instincts. Many cultivated plants display the utmost vigour, and yet rarely or never seed! In some few cases it has been discovered that a very trifling change, such as a little more or less water at some particular period of growth, will determine whether or not a plant will produce seeds. I cannot here give the details which I have collected and elsewhere published on this curious subject; but to show how singular the laws are which determine the reproduction of animals under confinement, I may mention that carnivorous animals, even from the tropics, breed in this country pretty freely under confinement, with the exception of the plantigrades or bear family, which seldom produce young; whereas carnivorous birds, with the rarest exceptions, hardly ever lay fertile eggs. Many exotic plants have pollen utterly worthless, in the same condition as in the most sterile hybrids. When, on the one hand, we see domesticated animals and plants, though often weak and sickly, breeding freely under confinement; and when, on the other hand, we see individuals, though taken young from a state of nature perfectly tamed, long-lived and healthy (of which I could give numerous instances), yet having their reproductive system so seriously affected by unperceived causes as to fail to act, we need not be surprised at this system, when it does act under confinement, acting irregularly, and producing offspring somewhat unlike their parents. I may add, that as some organisms breed freely under the most unnatural conditions (for instance, rabbits and ferrets kept in hutches), showing that their reproductive organs are not easily affected; so will some animals and plants withstand domestication or cultivation, and vary very slightly—perhaps hardly more than in a state of nature.
Some naturalists have maintained that all variations are connected with the act of sexual reproduction; but this is certainly an error; for I have given in another work a long list of “sporting plants,” as they are called by gardeners;—that is, of plants which have suddenly produced a single bud with a new and sometimes widely different character from that of the other buds on the same plant. These bud variations, as they may be named, can be propagated by grafts, offsets, &c., and sometimes by seed. They occur rarely under nature, but are far from rare under culture. As a single bud out of the many thousands, produced year after year on the same tree under uniform conditions, has been known suddenly to assume a new character; and as buds on distinct trees, growing under different conditions, have sometimes yielded nearly the same variety—for instance, buds on peach-trees producing nectarines, and buds on common roses producing moss-roses—we clearly see that the nature of the conditions is of subordinate importance in comparison with the nature of the organism in determining each particular form of variation;—perhaps of not more importance than the nature of the spark, by which a mass of combustible matter is ignited, has in determining the nature of the flames.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009


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Josephine Baker (1927)
Ellen goes to the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater (1-2)
Eritrean Dance Show - Stuttgart, Germany (2008)
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James Brown - Night Train Dance!
Isadora Duncan
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Martha Graham
Pina Bausch
"Limón: A Life Beyond Words" trailer
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Jof and Mia's Dance of Death
Soirée (Partial Clip) by George Alley /Alley Ink Dance
Alvin Ailey - Love Stories
Eritrea: Tigre song & dance
charleston style
Pow Wow
Josephine Baker
blue Ridge Mountains Dancers
Roof Garden party from 1929 - Dancing and Jazzy Music
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Alvin Ailey Dance-Wade in the Water from "Revelations"
RSDProject 2006 Pt 1of 5
Danza Serpentina
boogie woogie,Meade Lux Lewis
Josephine Baker's Dance
danza turca 1890
Circus Dance
David Borden Tribute to Ruth St. Denis & Ted Shawn.01
Josephine Baker
Apache Dance
Lotus Dancers of Lotus Dance Studio www.lotusdancestudio.com
Greek Dance
Alvin Ailey - Revelations
Alvin Ailey - Reminiscin'
Josephine Baker's Banana Dance
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater: Masazumi Chaya celebrates 35 years
Eritrea - Amazing Hidareb Song and Dance from Eritrea(SEE DESCRIPTION TO SEE VIDEO WITH AUDIO)


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Sonoran Desert: Physical Aspects: Climate: Buried Valleys...
skull would fit into palm of my hand
Modern technology may be speeding up evolution
"It’s even conceivable, he said, that our genes eventually will change enough to create an entirely new human species, one no longer able to breed with our own species, Homo sapiens." Robots cannot breed with homo sapiens
On the origin of species by means of natural selection:...
john hawks weblog | paleoanthropology, genetics, and evolution
In this issue
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latin text
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Seaweed also plays a role in the formation of sand
Early Human Development : Prenatal assessment of foot...
Archaeopteryx FAQs
Mikeb302000: Homo Floresiensis - The Hobbit
"They appeared to live isolated on an island as recently as 17000 years ago, ..."
Fossil Record: Defining Terms
The Origin of Species by means of Natural Selec...
Evolution: Library: Darwin's Letters: Collecting Evidence
Deinonychus antirrhopus - the "Terrible Claw" Dinosaur
Home page of the Canadian Museum of Nature
Dinosaur-Bird Evolution Confirmed: Hadrosaur Dinosaur...
the most ferocious predator is now the skittish prey
ARCHAEOPTERYX - Zoom Dinosaurs
The Origin Of Species
Homo floresiensis - The Panda's Thumb
fthe old stories about dwarves and giants and elves and ogres always held
What Happened in the Aftermath of the Dinosaur Extinction ...
All About Archaeopteryx
Predators and Prey NaTgeO
Dodo Australia Broadband ADSL ADSL 2+ 3G Mobile...
Deinonychus- Enchanted Learning Software
Phylogenetic taxonomy - Palaeos
Darwin Online: Darwin's Publications
Ancient 'hobbit' humans: a new species
"But, in other respects, it is startlingly primitive: far longer than its modern human equivalent, and equipped with a very small big toe, long, curved lateral toes, and a weight-bearing structure closer to a chimpanzee’s" Mythology is amazingly accurate in depicting elves and dwarves - long feet - floppy or pointed ears - small stature - "magical" abilities and this was only 20,000 years ago!
Desert Biomes
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, S...
Dominant mutations
K-T EXTINCTION - Paleontology and Geology Glossary


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Film - By Samuel Beckett (Part 1)
Mark Twain
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aikido 1952 Old Film
Orson Wells reads REAL Poetry Part 1
The Kiss
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Matisse illustratore
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Ansel Adams: Celebration of Genius
Welcome to the Photo Collection
YouTube - Samuel Beckett, Paris, 1987.
Catcher in the Rye
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Fantastic Planet part 5 (english)
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seventh seal complete film
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Charlie Chaplin Festival (1938)
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eugene o'neil by kent giltz
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La Planete Sauvage Part 2
Fantastic Planet part 4 (english)
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danza turca 1890
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greek tragedy -short animation
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Apache Dance
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"Waiting for Godot" by Samuel Beckett - Act 1 Lucky's Scene
Orson Wells reads REAL Poetry Part 2
Fantastic Planet part 1 (english)
Fantastic Planet part 7 (english)
HUM BOMB? LEBANON 2006 feat. Allen Ginsberg
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Secret Agent (Hitchcock, 1936)
Sam Shepard Film True West Scene 1
Pat Paulsen Censored
The Catcher in the Rye
Blackboard Jungle, 17min 2/2
Speaking of George Eastman House
Minstrel Show
Alfred Hitchcock Hour: A Piece of the Action
Alfred Hitchcock presents - [3x03] - The perfect crime - Le crime parfait - UK & FR - (1957).avi
Beatles - Shakespeare Skit
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Jamaica Inn (Hitchcock, 1939)
Blackboard Jungle, 17min 1/2
blackboard jungle


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Caral Peru
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Caving In 3
Biology as a science made its move from an Aris...
Genes mutate. Individuals are selected. Populations evolve. Why have my genes not been selected? And why does someone like Manson not chosen but Bush is?
ArchNet: Human Origins & Evolution
British Archaeology, no 50, December 1999: News
6th century sacrifices
USATODAY.com - Cave bears traded spaces with humans
New Hominid Species Complicates Early Hominid Evolution
Early Monumental Architecture of the Peruvian C...
The Talk.Origins Archive: The Age of the Earth ...
The History of Human-Animal Interaction - Ancient Cultures...
TIME.com - The Dawn of Man
Ken Nash: Unauthorized!
An Evolutionist Looks at Modern Man
Australopithecus garhi : A New Species of Early Hominid... PDF
Mysterious Antarctica may be the home of the ol...
ArchNet: Human Origins & Evolution
B.I.P.E.D. :: Articles :: D'Arc interviews Michael Cremo
When Lions Ruled France | Natural History | Find Articles...
Ollantaytambo: Living Inca City - Official Web Page
Caral Civilization Peru
Chimpanzee using a tool
World Mysteries - Mystic Places - Nazca Lines
Cairn - Indigenous Populations and Vulnerabilit...
Otzi The Iceman - Crystalinks
he shoes have since been reproduced by experts and found to constitute such excellent footwear that there are plans for commercial production
History of The Ancient City of Pompeii
The magnificent ancient city of Pompeii was left buried under about 20 feet of earth and ash. Pompeii was originally only 500 meters from the sea, but after the eruption the distance to the sea increased to two kilometers.
Humans and other bipeds: the evolution of biped...
Evolution: Humans: Origins of Humankind
J.B. White Toolmaking
New Nazca Lines. Pre-Inca Civilization. Yamagata University,...
Nazca Lines and Culture - Crystalinks
Instutute of Human Origins
History of Fire
A Short History of Flintknapping, Page 1
Becoming Ambidextrous
Morien Institute - The Human Scale - a tribute to the...
The Morien Institute has kept a close watch on developments since 1999, and has been just as excited about the many new batches of underwater photographs that have emerged of the Yonaguni structures (yes! there is more than one), as we have been dismayed by the many citings of the structure's existence as somehow representing 'the final proof' of the existence of Atlantis and/or Lemuria. We have consistently taken the simple view that, following the dramatic series of rises in sea-levels that marked the ending of the last Ice Age, it is 'inevitable' that more and more evidence of ancient civilisation will be discovered on the continental shelves and shallow seas, everywhere around the world.
Civilization in Americas 1000 Years Earlier
Geoarchaeological evidence from desert loess in...
Suns and Planets in Neolithic Rock Art
Suns and Planets in Neolithic Rock Art
Index of Indigenous Knowledge Resources on the ...
Voyages of the Pyramid Builders
pyramids are communication devices?
BBC News | Sci/Tech | 'Earliest writing' found
Explore Peru's oldest city - South America- msn...
Europe Rock Art & Cave Paintings in France
The Cave of Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc
Latest fossil find in Africa strengthens chain ...
Varied diet of early hominid casts doubt on extinction...
One line of Lucy's children ultimately led to modern humans while the other was an evolutionary dead end
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Early hominid 'cared for elderly'
"The ageing individual - who lost his teeth some years before death, palaeoanthropologists estimate - would not have been able to chew the raw meat or fibrous plants which made up the creatures' normal diet. For most animals other than humans - and their now extinct cousins the Neanderthal - this would have been a death sentence." why could he not been able to mash his food?
Discovery of Middle Asia Cities Recasts Ancient...
oldest cities are NOT near rivers lakes or seas!!
Geological Observations On South America - Overview by...
The Archaeology Channel - Caral Interview
Cave of Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc
Peru's Nasca Lines Point To Water Sources, Suggest UMass...
Darwin Online: Darwin's Publications
Lessons from Lucy - Cosmic Log - msnbc.com


The Arithmetic of Nichomachus of Gerasa by Jay Kappraff...
Great Books of the Western World, 2nd ed.
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The Internet Classics Archive | Works by Aristotle
Galileo Galilei: Two New Sciences
Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy
Exercitatio anatomica de motu cordis et sanguin...
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Descartes: An Overview [Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy]
Euclid's Elements, Introduction
The Formation Of Vegetable Mould - Introduction by Charles...
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Newton's Mathematical Principles of Natural Phi...
easy read
Table of Contents - Mathematical Principles - N...
good guide
Chapter 16: Archimedes
TNS Draft
Charles Darwin - The Expression of Emotion in M...
Internet Medieval Sourcebook
Internet Modern History Sourcebook: Main Page
no graphics
Mike's History p 147 - Newton. System of the Wo...
Cellini, Benvenuto. 1909–14. Autobiography. Vol...
Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy I...
fast & illustrated
one graphic


artie's shared items